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Helping busy women become their best selves and lead lives filled with freedom, joy, and ease


 Hi, I'm Rita! 

Rita Desnoyers-Garcia has 30+ years of experience helping overworked, stressed out moms and professional women shift their perspectives, show themselves compassion, and change their lives.

I heard you want it all, mama…

→ The great relationship.

→ The successful career.

→ The happy family and well behaved kids.

→ The exciting social circle.

→ The calm, confident, and happy life.

And you may have it all on paper…but right now? 

Marble Texture

Your life doesn’t feel like it’s going all that well.

You look at that paper and all you can think is Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!


Achieving a work-life balance that makes you happy feels really friggin’ hard.


The thought of everything you need to do and everyone you need to please has you throwing your hands up in the air shouting “SERENITY, NOW!” as exuberantly as Frank Costanza. 


Boundaries? Get out! You haven’t enforced those suckers in a hot minute and you have almost no time or energy left for yourself or the people you love. 


You’re doing everything you’re supposed to do to be successful and happy, but you don’t feel like you’re doing a good job as a mom, wife, friend, or a career woman…and you need help creating a more balanced, peaceful life.


I’ve got your back, mama.

Helping women like you get back in the driver’s seat of their life and feel more calm, confident, and excited about life is exactly what I do.

Your life doesn’t feel like it’s going all that well.

You look at that paper and all you can think is Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!


Achieving a work-life balance that makes you happy feels really friggin’ hard.


The thought of everything you need to do and everyone you need to please has you throwing your hands up in the air shouting “SERENITY, NOW!” as exuberantly as Frank Costanza. 


Boundaries? Get out! You haven’t enforced those suckers in a hot minute and you have almost no time or energy left for yourself or the people you love. 


You’re doing everything you’re supposed to do to be successful and happy, but you don’t feel like you’re doing a good job as a mom, wife, friend, or a career woman…and you need help creating a more balanced, peaceful life.


I’ve got your back, mama.

Helping women like you get back in the driver’s seat of their life and feel more calm, confident, and excited about life is exactly what I do.

Loving Child

I help stressed out professional women find the cause of their stress and learn to embrace, savor, and love their lives.

(Even if it’s for the first time.)

Improve your relationships 

Rock your career

Love yourself

Enjoy your life

My coaching packages help you uncover why you feel miserable, frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed (because let’s face it, it’s not really because the dog threw up or your kid got a C), address your negative emotions, and change your beliefs so you can enjoy your life again.


One Happy Mother

The Self-Compassion Makeover

You don’t have to be so hard on yourself. Start to create the life you want with a supportive foundation of self-compassion for everything you do.

For the mother ready to become her own best friend and give herself what she’s trying to get from the outside world.

Family Stretch

One Free Mama

Subconscious Healing For Moms

Break your negative thought cycles and find lasting relief for resentment, longing, worry, relationship issues, stress, and overwhelm. 

For the mama doing the self-help work and ready to overcome emotional burdens, trauma, and self-sabotage. It’s time to try something new.


One Funny Mutha

Stand Up Comedy Classes In New Jersey

Would you like to be a funny mom? Do you want to express yourself, but fear getting out there and doing the thing? Come laugh, cry, and grow with us. (It’s fun. I promise.)

For the mutha ready to get out of her comfort zone, walk through her fear, and express herself in a hilarious way.

Hi, I'm Rita.

I was the mom who felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The mom who believed everything was her responsibility and lived life terrified of screwing it all up. 

(Spoiler: I didn’t, even though it often felt like I did.)

It wasn’t until I became aware of my destructive and self-sabotaging thoughts, behaviors, and attitude that I truly woke up and realized I was playing a huge part in the stress and overwhelm I felt. 

Who woulda thought?

My personal healing journey taught me how to show myself more compassion, reprogram my thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and become the mom, wife, friend, and coach I’ve always wanted to be.

Now I help moms experience the same wake up call and shift their internal narrative from stressed, overwhelmed, and stuck to grounded, calm, and confident.



“I have so much more emotional freedom. I’m no longer “white-knuckling” it and I feel more in charge of my life and free from worry about what’s next.

Rita is a gentle guide and helps me experience a breakthrough every time I talk to her. She sees things I would never have been able to see, calls out patterns of behavior, and reflects back to me what I’m bringing to the situation and how I can resolve it. 


Rita met me where I am…and now I put way less energy towards the future and past and live more in the present.”

-A. M., entrepreneur

Meditating in Nature


Belly Breathe With Me

Let me teach you how to belly breathe so you feel calmer, clearer, and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day brings.


(You can do this anywhere. In the car before your wild kids pile in after soccer practice. In your office after the meeting that could have been an email. Even when your spouse asks where the whatever is for the fifth time this week, even though it’s staring them right in the face.)


Free Stress Relief

It’s exhausting trying to do it all and be it all.

But you’re not alone. This, too, shall pass.

I’ve worked with many women like you who now put themselves first, enforce their boundaries, have better relationships, and experience a life filled with more fun.

Now let me ask you…

Do you want your life to be different than it is?

Are you willing to do what it takes to make that change, even if it means temporarily being uncomfortable?

Can you be really honest with yourself and me about what you’re struggling with?

Working Remotely

If you answered yes to these questions, I can help you create a life you embrace, savor, and most importantly, love!

Feeling confused? Scared? It’s OK. 

All that matters is you taking the first step. If you’re there, I’m in.


Happy Women
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